
Home Detox Program

Home Detox Program
The home detox program is a guided, high-touch custom detox program that you can do from your home. The detox is designed based on the 2-hour initial consultation. All herbs and supplies are provided. Once you’re on the detox, a daily check-in call allows us to make any changes based on how your body is responding. A follow-up consultation a month after the detox ends gives you in-depth education on how to make the benefits of the detox last longer.
Ayur Balance

Benefits of Home Detox Program

Improved digestion

Improved sleep

Reduced stress and anxiety

Feel lighter in the body and the mind

Book your session today.

Discover the transformative power of Ayurveda with our personalized therapy sessions. We use ancient techniques to balance your mind, body, and spirit, addressing the root cause of your symptoms. Book your session today and start a journey to natural healing and rejuvenation.


Schedule Your Serenity

Call or Text

(505) 302-5360‬

